PD Automation

The Essential Guide to Building Your Smart Home

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Smart Homes. A promise of convenience, comfort, and sustainability. No more juggling remotes or fumbling in the dark to find the light switch when you come home. With just a few devices and a steady internet connection, you can transform your living space into a sanctuary. But what exactly is required to build a smart home? And how do you go about it? In this blog, the team at PD Building Automation brings a definite guide to leveraging smart home technology—key requirements and a 5-step process. However, before that, let’s take a quick detour to the basics.

What Is a Smart Home?

In simple words, a smart home is a house that communicates. It is equipped with devices and appliances that can be interconnected and integrated into a single control interface for easy monitoring. As a result, you can access them remotely for smarter and more efficient usage.

Benefits of Building a Smart Home

Here’s why a smart home is an excellent investment for homeowners:

1. Convenience

The convenience offered by smart home automation is unparalleled. With a seamless network of interconnected devices, you can control multiple aspects of your house. These include temperature, lighting, security, etc. That not only saves your time but also makes life easier and more comfortable.

Imagine lights being turned on as soon as you enter the room or thermostats adjusting temperature as per your preference. You can also amp up security with smart locks, obtaining much-needed peace of mind.

You can control the systems remotely using the smartphone. Alternatively, you can also set it up by using voice commands.

2. Energy-efficiency

Smart homes take sustainability up a notch as they allow you to monitor the energy consumption of all devices connected to the system. Thus, you can optimize their performance accordingly.

3. Reduced Costs

While it might seem expensive to invest in smart homes, it’s actually cost-effective in the long run. First, you’ll receive lower energy bills as you start adjusting your gadgets for optimal energy consumption through continuous monitoring. Second, some devices come with predictive maintenance; that is, they will alert you of potential errors and malfunctions. Lastly, smart homes provide a high resale value. So, if you’re planning to sell your property or even rent it out, equipping it with smart devices will only add the cherry on the cake.

Key Components of a Smart Home


Every smart home has the following basic components:

Smart devices are the building blocks of smart homes. These are the products that facilitate automation to make your living space safe, comfortable, and intelligent.

Below is the list of the most common smart devices used:

  • Smart Thermostats: They automatically regulate the room temperature based on occupancy, user preferences, past trends, and feed from other connected devices.

  • Smart Lights: Thanks to sensors, smart lights can detect a person’s presence and turn on/off accordingly. Using your smartphone, you can also dim lights, set a time for changing colors, etc.

  • Smart Sensors: Based on the same motion detection technology, these gadgets can alert you in case of intrusion, water leakage, fire hazards, and even toxic smoke levels.

  • Smart Locks: Way ahead of the traditional locks, these intelligent counterparts come with features like biometric verification, PIN codes, etc., for added security.

  • Smart Appliances: Numerous appliances boast advanced features like washing machines that can be controlled remotely, coffee makers with voice-assistant integration, and ovens that automatically adjust cooking settings.


While you can connect smart devices via Bluetooth, you’ll need a strong internet connection for remote access and cloud-based services. Opting for a Wi-Fi network is the best way to get high-speed internet.
You may require one or more controlling interfaces, depending on your requirements. For example, voice assistants are great for adjusting settings through voice commands. Some devices also have their own applications for gaining insights into the performance, energy consumption, and other details. Automation platforms or hubs offer a more flexible approach since you can integrate all your devices into a single platform and access them together.

How to Build Your Smart Home?

Building a smart home from scratch can be a real head-scratcher. That’s why we have jotted down 5 important steps to follow:

Why do you need a smart home? Is it because you want to make your living space more convenient, or do you want extra safety? Or is it both?

Answering these questions will help you sort out your priorities so that you don’t purchase unnecessary devices and exceed the budget limit.

Next, consider your current room layouts and setups to understand the changes required (if any). Don’t forget to leave room for future expansion and scale-ups.

Research. Research. Research. That’s how you’ll find the right devices for your smart home at the best cost. Look out for the latest features, compare customer reviews, and understand device compatibility before making any decision.

Check your current internet connection and see if it can support the growing needs of your smart home. This is essential as without a stable internet connection, your system will collapse. 

Find a reliable internet service provider and select a plan that suits your budget as well as speed requirements. Also, ensure it provides strong internet coverage throughout the entire property.

While some devices are easy to install, others can give you a hard time. Especially if you’re a novice. It’s best to seek professional help when setting up and configuring smart devices.

Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations—the ideal location for placement, maintenance, usage, etc.

Finally, it’s time to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. That means securing your network so no one hacks in and steals your data. You can achieve this by enabling two-factor authentication, updating your privacy settings on each device, setting new passwords, reviewing permissions, and monitoring regularly.

How Much Does a Smart Home Cost?

The exact cost of a smart home depends on a myriad of factors, like smart devices connected to the system, subscription services, installation costs (DIY/professional), etc.

However, one thing is for sure—it will bring a good return if you invest wisely. Therefore, it’s important to stick to your requirements, set a budget accordingly, and explore rebate options.

Plan Your Smart Home With PD Building Automation

At PD Building Automation, we understand that every smart home is different. That’s why we provide custom solutions to homeowners looking to spruce up their living space with a dash of smartness.

We listen to your problems and needs so that the final result is nothing less than the best possible replica of your dreams. And all this takes place within a reasonable budget and with skilled technicians.

So, contact us today to build your smart home and redefine what comfort means.